Mental Health ‘at Work’
“I had to drop by work and put in a couple of hours on my way over.” ?That is what my friend said in explanation for her lateness arriving at a wedding shower we both attended. ?”It’s Sunday” another friend said, “why are you working on the weekend?” ?”I can’t get it all done during the week”, my tardy friend replied, “I work every weekend just to keep up with my regular workload.”
This may sound like a familiar conversation among your friends. ?More and more, people in workplaces everywhere are reporting that they are experiencing a constant state of ‘overwhelm’ and mental exhaustion.
We can’t talk about Mental Health without talking about our brains; and there is a lot of new information we are learning about that wonderful amazing machine which can help us all create more opportunities for positive Mental Health – individually and organizationally.
I have read some of the research, and in honour of Mental Health Week, I have assembled some key points into the following “Ten Tips for Practicing Positive Mental Health at Work”
1) To Do More, Do Less
Your best ideas, greatest moments of insight don?t happen while you are consumed with a huge project at work.? They happen in the shower!? They happen when your mind is quiet.
If you want to be more creative, more innovative and more productive, you have to ?work less? and create more opportunities for insight.
Work a ‘normal’ day, take your breaks (and make time for insights), and head home energized and ready to engage with your family. ?Get a good night’s sleep and head back in to work refreshed and ready for another day!
2) You Can?t Be Here If You Are There
You have two distinct networks in your brain ? the Default Narrative Network ? your internal representation of the outside world, of what you have attended to over time, your interpretations or ‘stories’ about what is ‘real’; and the Direct Experience Network ? your full ?presence? in a particular moment and space.
When you are stuck in what you now know, and what you have done in the past (the Default Narrative Network), you are not ?present? (The Direct Experience Network), and you are not able to take in all the rich streams of information that are more reflective of ?what’s actually going on than of your interpretation of what is going on.
Practice Mindfulness Meditation regularly. ?With practice, you begin to change your brain.
3) Shrinkage Happens
Your brain is more than an amazing logic processing machine, it’s main main function is to keep you alive. ? Every moment of the day, your brain is deciding whether or not to avoid danger (Away Mode) or to approach reward (Toward Mode).
The Away Mode gets most of your attention (because, you guessed it, our ancestors spent a lot of their time looking out for tigers). ?When you are in Away Mode, you are focused on looking for what is wrong (problems). ?When you are focused on what is wrong, you experience tunnel vision (Shrinkage Happens) – you are actually limited in terms of the amount of information to which you can attend.
While Away is more hard-wired into your brain, the Toward Mode gets the best results. ?Being positive (toward) brings broad vision and novel solutions.
4) Say It, Don?t Spray It
While we want more positive emotion at work ? this does not mean that we want to encourage people to suppress negative emotion.? In fact, when negative emotion is suppressed ? it grows.
So when negative emotion occurs, we want people to feel free to identify it (Say It).? Then they can reappraise/reframe it and choose the best course of action (they are more mindful and less easily ?hijacked? by the negative emotion).? And then, move on.
?Spraying? it ? talking on and on about it ? is as unhealthy for people as suppressing it ? the negative emotion grows and it usually grows ugly.
5)??Dope? Is Good, ?Cort? Is Not
Dopamine is the neurotransmitter or desire ? it is required in order for you to take any action at all.? Positive emotion creates a ?hit? of dopamine in the brain.? It is fundamental to any action ? and certainly to productive, inspired and motivated performance at work.
Cortisol is released when negative emotion is present ? it is the stress response, and too much of that will not only impact your performance and relationships, it can also kill you.
6) If I Am Foe, You Are Slow
Your brain chooses whether or not I am friend or foe to you.? If you see me as foe , as the enemy , your brain won?t work as well as it would otherwise.? You will be so focused on the threat (Away Mode) that you will likely miss important information and ideas that I have, ?and you will misinterpret me and my behaviour (missing out on potential ways for us to connect and collaborate together).
When people in workplaces see each other as a threat, they are in away/negative/tunnel/disengaged mode ? and results suffer.
When we create opportunities for people to connect socially and see each other as friends at work, the outcome is a more positive and productive workplace.
7) Don?t Get Choked By Your SCARF*
Sometimes the very presence of the leader creates a threat (Away) response.? Leaders can think about what they are saying and doing in terms of this acronym, developed by David Rock:
S ? Status ? Is what I am about to say/do something that builds people up, or tears them down?? Even a performance evaluation can create a significant threat (Away) response.
C ? Certainty ? Do people understand what is expected of them?? Am I sharing information freely?
A ? Autonomy ? Once people understand expectations and have what they need to be successful, do I let them go ahead and do it?? Do I honour their needs for things like flexible work schedules and flexible hours?
R – Relatedness ? Am I an authentic leader?? Am I vulnerable?? Do my team members see me as a human being ? who makes mistakes, and who experiences a variety of emotion?
F ? Fairness ? Are people treated fairly?? Is our organization a socially responsible one that cares about the community and cares about what?s important to our employees?
8)?Tell Me You Love Me
When you provide lots of positive recognition ? particularly recognizing people?s strengths (and looking for opportunities for them to use them), you get increased dopamine, increased motivation, increased energy and increased results.
9) Eat The Carrot and Burn The Stick
External incentives and reprisals don?t work in the long term ? you might get short-term compliance, but not the commitment or engagement you need for sustained high performance.
You are far better to wrap them (your staff) in a nice, warm SCARF (see # 7).
10) Use It Or Lose It
What you attend to, grows.? You have different neural networks ? one for problem solving, decision making and working memory, and the other for self-awareness, social cognition and empathy.? Where you spend most of your time, determines your results.? Your brain is changeable (neuroplasticity) ? and where you focus your attention will impact your results today and tomorrow.
My wish is that we all practice positive mental health – not just for this week – but for every week of the year! ?What do you think?
Deri Latimer, B Mgt, CSP, is an expert in positive possibilities for people! She is one of fewer than 10% of speakers globally who hold the designation of Certified Speaking Professional. Deri combines a Business degree in Human Resources with experience from business sectors including health care, manufacturing, education, agriculture, government, mining, transportation, tourism, and professional services. Deri provides practical strategies for mental health ‘at work’; impacting individuals and organizations?to increase resilience to change, energize engagement with the organization, and propel meaningful performance results that last!??
Thanks Deri! You are an amazing and wonderful person.
Thank you, Lynn! What a beautiful comment! I am going to print it out and put it on my desk! And – I send the sentiment right back at you!
Cheers, Deri
Thanks for this very interesting and educational post, Deri! It was helpful to me today. Keep up the great work!
Your comment is very much appreciated, John! And, I am so pleased it came at the right time in your day.
Warm Regards, Deri
Time to share with the Monkeys again Deri, this message is so powerful. Thank you. Have a spectacular day!
Thank you so much, Carol! I’d be honored to hang with the Monkeys any day!
Cheers, Deri
wow – what wonderful (and thought provotice) message
perfect – plan to print it out
Awesome, Ingrid! I like to making content that could otherwise be a bit dry, a little more colorful with some fun words! I am so pleased that you like it!
Warm Regards, Deri
Wow Deri, thanks! I hadn’t thought about the reactions the away thinking provokes. Time to get off the treadmill and get on the right track. More Dope and less Cort for me! When you explain it like this I understand what has been happening around me. Now I can refocuss and get some positive results. Time to return to “Mental Health” and steer away from “Mental Lack of Health”.
Thanks so much for the wake up call.
Take care cause I care
Love it, Muriel! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!
Regards, Deri
Very thought provoking! I love it. Every time I read it, I take a little more away! Thanks! TIme to put away the “away mode” and go “towards” a good day at work!
Thanks so much for the comment! ‘Toward’ is definitely the route to freedom and possibility!!
Regards, Deri