PINK’s Performance: A Lesson in Excellence!
Pink = Excellence!I had the honour of experiencing Pink’s concert in San Antonio, Tx on Monday. What a pro! Her performance was top-notch, and included moments in which I gasped as she flew around the Alamodome to wave farewell to us all. Pink is known to be an extremely hard-working, accessible, and authentic performer (and human). She showed her true colours when some random person tried to make a political/religious (I am not sure what) statement about circumcision. He paid $1,000.00 for a front row seat waiting for the moment in which she saw his message. She shut him down and tossed him out. I was most impressed in ‘how’ she did that. She maintained her cool, used humor, and connected to our #commonhumanity. She modelled for all of us how to respond to disrespect with class.
Beyond that, I follow Pink on @Instagram and am continually impressed with her human-ness. She is just a girl… living her life… and raising her beautiful children to be kind, compassionate and courageous.
I am a bit of a ‘performer’ myself, and watching a master in action has reinforced what I have always believed to be true, and practiced in my own life.
Be good, notice good, elevate good, get more good!
Thanks, Pink! And… great hair!!
Deri Latimer is a Speaker, Author, and Resilience Rebel!